The Media Map Project is a multi-faceted two-year pilot research collaboration between Internews and The World Bank Institute, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Media Map is envisioned as a central long-term research contribution of the Internews Center for Innovation and Learning. The Media Map Project draws together what we know and precisely defines what we do not know about the relationships between the media sector and economic development and governance. This website makes publicly accessible extensive quantitative data on the media sector for exploration and analysis. The research also examines donors’ roles in supporting the media sector over time and provides an evidence base for their future decision-making about media support.
Through research, public events, and the data made available on this site for public use and extended research, the project aims to engage the development sector in greater understanding and exploration of the role of media and information in development. In the next phase, Media Map will continue to provide data on the media sector, and will also focus on understanding and measuring people’s information needs in changing environments.(Media Map Website)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
CIRI Included in The Media Map Project
CIRI has been included as part of the Media Map project.